
freak at kaerf .org
Photography, @FreakkaerF

About kaerF

kaerF is a computer scientist with a special interest in the influences technology has on ethics and society. He considers himself a politician in the best sense of the term. kaerF lives in Ixelles, Belgium.

Question technology.

Take it apart. Own it. Challenge its authority.

I believe that there is a responsibility that comes with creating technology. This inherent responsibility needs to influence technology and its development.
Linux, Open Source and Free Software opened up a brand new world to our fingertips. Free information or information libre has become ubiquitously popular through projects like Wikipedia, Creative Commons. All with the help of Free Software.
Technology (through Free Software) helped form a movement of freedom of information and accessibility which we can witness these days. I try to be a part of it.
Privacy has become a big issue to me in the last years and I think this has a lot to do with the fact that the access to information has become ubiquitous for most of us.
Not only do knowledge, information and ideas need to be accessible to everyone, just as importantly their creation, publication and modification have to be an opportunity to everyone regardless of origin or social status.
Information that concerns the general public needs to be available for use as well as the secrecy of private data needs to be enforced both by public and private efforts.
I've been interested in politics (mostly social, ethical and environmental aspects) for a long time. I consider myself a politician.
Concerning non-technology and political subjects, I'm totally into music (don't ask me for a genre, I like pretty much everything besides Volksmusik..) and photography.